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Start your Legal Journey with LAT PLUS

LAT PLUS: Your Guide to Success

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey toward a future in law? The upcoming Law Admission Test (LAT) is scheduled for 28 September 2023. This pivotal event marks a significant step in your pursuit of legal excellence.

Before you mark your calendars, ensure you're in the know about the registration process. Registrations will close promptly at 5:00 pm AEST on 6 September 2023. Time is of the essence, so make sure you secure your spot for this crucial test that could shape your academic and professional path.

Unlocking LAT 2023: Structure and Insights

The LAT isn't your run-of-the-mill exam; it's a distinctive computer-based extended writing test meticulously designed to showcase your aptitude and skills for studying law at UNSW Sydney. One unique aspect? You don't need prior legal knowledge! The LAT revolves around honing your critical thinking and comprehension abilities. Each task is meticulously evaluated using tailor-made assessment criteria that revolve around critical thinking and the core focus of each task. Not only do they consider your ideas, but also the way you express them. It's all about the depth and artistry of your thoughts, not just their correctness.

The LAT Impact: Beyond the Test

Your LAT results are far from just a number; they hold the power to set you apart. When combined with your academic achievements like ATAR (or equivalent), your LAT performance can influence the rigorous degree selection process at UNSW. Amid a sea of high-achieving applicants, your LAT results can be the beacon that guides your application to the forefront.

Diving into LAT's Core: Task Breakdown

The LAT consists of two computer-based writing tasks. These tasks are carefully crafted to gauge your prowess in critical thinking, understanding, and the structured expression of your thoughts.

Task A: Here, you're tasked with dissecting and evaluating arguments presented in provided materials. This is your time to shine as a critical analyst, unraveling the effectiveness of these arguments.

Task B: Moving to a different dimension, you'll be navigating through a plethora of materials – texts and graphics alike – to construct your very own arguments about the issues raised in the material. This task underscores your ability to process information and convey your viewpoints cohesively.

Navigating the LAT Journey: Preparation and Timing

The LAT experience is facilitated through computer-based testing. Whether at a designated center or via remote proctoring, you'll be equipped with the tools you need to succeed. The test spans a total of 2 hours, with a recommended 20 minutes dedicated to reading and strategizing. To maximize your efficiency, invest 10 minutes in reviewing and outlining your response for each task. Feel free to put pen to paper during this phase to jot down your thoughts and structure your approach.

Supercharge your legal journey with LAT PLUS Accelerator Program: Only 3 Sessions Left Before Exams!

The LAT PLUS Accelerator Program is your ultimate toolkit for success. With just three sessions remaining in September before the exams, now is the time to seize the opportunity and propel yourself towards excellence.

The LAT PLUS Accelerator Program is a comprehensive program designed to equip you with the strategies, insights, and skills required to conquer the LAT.

Key Benefits of the LAT PLUS Accelerator Program:

  1. Strategic Guidance: Don't leave your LAT preparation to chance. Our program provides you with a structured roadmap to cover all essential aspects of the test. From critical thinking exercises to mastering task-specific strategies, we've got you covered.

  2. Expert Insights: Benefit from the wisdom of seasoned solicitors (also UNSW law graduates) who understand the intricacies of the LAT inside out and have helped students succeed. Our instructors are well-versed in the assessment criteria and the subtle nuances that can set your responses apart.

  3. Targeted Skill Development: The LAT isn't just about regurgitating facts; it's about showcasing your abilities. Our program hones your critical thinking, comprehension, and expression skills – the very qualities that can make your responses shine.

  4. Tailored Approach: We recognise that every student is unique. Our program adapts to your strengths and areas that need improvement and provide you with personalised feedback. With our guidance, you can channel your efforts where they matter most.

Act Now! Only 3 Sessions Left!

With just three sessions left before the impending LAT exams, the clock is ticking. Now is the time to capitalize on this exclusive opportunity to fine-tune your skills and refine your strategies. Our sessions are designed to maximize your time, providing you with valuable insights that can make all the difference on exam day.

The LAT PLUS Accelerator Program is your launchpad to LAT success. Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers. Take charge of your future, embrace expert guidance, and unleash your full potential. With just three sessions remaining in September, the time to act is now. Enroll today, supercharge your preparation, and stride confidently towards your dream of excelling in the LAT exams. Your success story starts here!

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