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Student Workbook & Pre-recorded Video

Prefer to study for the UNSW Law Admission Test on your own time?


Look no further than our LAT PLUS downloadables



40 minute pre-recorded video

50+ page student workbook

2 responses marked by our instructors


Get this value-packed offer for $199



Pre-recorded Video

Our LAT Plus pre-recorded 40 minute video contains a summarised version of our Accelerator Program. Follow the instructors as they take you through the theory of deconstructing exam questions, critical thinking and persuasive writing.


Student Workbook

Get a value-packed 50+ page student workbook containing notes, practical examples and practice papers. This is the workbook our LAT Plus instructors use during the Accelerator Programs to help guide students through the program.


Marked Responses

When you have finished studying the materials, you can prepare 2 responses, 1 for Part A and 1 for Part B of the LAT. The questions and stimulus materials are contained in the student workbook. Once complete, send your 2 responses to our LAT Plus instructors by email at Our instructors will review your work and provide detailed feedback to help you ace the test.

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